LIMS Soils Laboratory

Soils Laboratory

Soils Laboratory

Physical analysis of soils used in road and building construction

Other Laboratories

Bitumen Lab.

Bitumen Lab.

Physical analysis of bituminous materials and products used in road...

Chemistry Lab.

Chemistry Lab.

Chemical analysis of building and construction materials used in road...

Concrete Laboratory

Concrete Laboratory

Testing of building and road construction materials

Foundation & Drilling Lab.

Foundation & Drilling Lab.

Provide soils and rocks investigations (geotechnical testing) used in...

Pavement Condition Laboratory

Pavement Condition Laboratory

Pavement Condition Laboratory

Physics Laboratory

Physics Laboratory

Physical testing of engineering and non-engineering materials used in...

Regional Material Testing Laboratories

Regional Material Testing Laboratories

Regional Material Testing Laboratories

Road Safety Laboratory

Road Safety Laboratory

Testing of all thermoplastic road paints and materials used in road...

Our Contacts

Materials Testing and Research Division - Testing Services
